Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Too Much Maoney.

Hello Mr. Mao. Or should I say 毛主席你好。Yes, today I exchanged my moneys into RMB. How much though, that's for you to guess. :)

Also, my luggage is complete. The weight limit for hold-luggage is 20kg but mine has ended up being 22kg - hopefully the airline people will be lenient about it. Is there really much point in getting all stingy over 2kg? I'm sure loads of people go over the weight limit anyway. As for hand luggage, well, that's a completely different story. Weight limit is 7kg, my bag is but a mere 5kg. Oh yes.

What else did I do on my last day in London for a while? Just went on a small trip to have an eye test, get rid of some books at the SOAS library and print some stuff out, and rolled into Tescos to buy some new batteries cos someone's luggage scale ran out of battery. D: Speaking of which though, I managed to make a pretty good save at Tescos. My shopping total came up to just over £17 but thanks to good old Clubcard vouchers and having an eye for deals, I ended up only having to pay just under £9. :D

Oh, and I decided to fast. I thought it was a good day to get one day of fasting done but it seemed that wasn't the case as I set foot onto the tube. Swelter. And swelter some more. Too hot, man!! 热死了!

Although on my journey, as I stopped off at Waterloo to make my transition to London Bridge Underground Station to get to the Bureau de Change place, it seemed like Waterloo Underground Station had been renovated. It now has one of those moving walkway things which you get at airports. How cool is that!! Actually, you probably wouldn't think it is, but I do. And that's all that matters. :)

And then tonight I realised something. I had an urge to go picking flowers in the woods, surrounded by a swamp. Not sure if it was really a good time, especially for someone who's about to depart on a 17hour long journey.. :S I guess that's just the way it is though.

Plus I've just discovered I've got quite a big of a hole in my trousers. Woops. Oh well, I don't think anyone would have noticed since it's on the inside of my leg.. :/

Anyway, that's the update for now. For the next two days even. Flight leaves demain at 12:30am. And I need to ready myself for a 5am start - don't particularly wanna get caught in the morning rush hour, where I'm exposed to being seen by all these Londoners, struggling to climb up the underground stairs with such heavy luggage. No thanks.

Type to you in Beijing. Haha.


  1. When will you break fast then if the time zone is different?

  2. Is picking flowers meant to be code for something else... Picking flowers in the mountains/writing letters to the pope? :E

    Should've taken a picture of yourself with all your luggage!

    1. My luggage was just one suitcase and my cat bag though. I have surprisingly little compared to what other people have bought. :/
